objects |> functions

Quatro - Step 1

Having already made the leap to F#, we will now take a look at Giraffe. It was created by Dustin Moris Gorski as a Suave-like functional abstraction over ASP.NET Core. It allows composable functions and expressive configuration, while then delegating the work to the same libraries that C# applications use. Make sure the project file name is Quatro.fsproj, and ensure the top looks like the other projects:


To be able to develop this project, we need to add Giraffe to paket.dependencies. Create paket.references with the following packages:


Run paket install to download Giraffe and its dependencies (which will be many more than we've seen with previous dependencies, as Giraffe depends on the the entire ASP.NET Core framework, not just the parts that Uno required), and let it fix up Quatro.fsproj. We'll also go ahead and rename Program.fs to App.fs to remain consistent among the projects, and tell the compiler about it:

  <Compile Include="App.fs" />

Giraffe uses the concept of a handler function to compose web applications. Take a look at that text under that heading, because, in F#, the types are your guide. With types defined clearly, it can be easy to figure out how the composition should happen. Think of it like Lego® bricks; you know what blocks you can assemble based on the shape of the bricks and their edges.

In F# notation, -> describes parameters for a function that can be provided one at a time. Let's suppose we have a repeat function that takes a string and a number, and returns the string repeated that number of times; so, repeat "abc" 3 would return "abcabcabc". The type signature of this function is string -> int -> string. If we call it with just a string, ex. let x = repeat "bob", x will have the type signature int -> string. In effect, x is a function that, given an integer, will return that number of "bob"s. This concept is called currying, and can be helpful when you need to call a function many times with most of the parameters the same - that is, if the parameters you're changing are the ones at the end of the parameter list.

With that being said, the signature for an HttpHandler is

(HttpContext -> Task<HttpContext option>) -> HttpContext -> Task<HttpContext option>

Ignoring Task (after noting that this means it's using .NET's task-based asynchrony), what we have is a function definition that takes an HttpContext and returns an HttpContext option, which has an HttpContext as its parameter and an HttpContext option as its return value. The HttpContext as the parameter will be fed into the input of the initial function, and its HttpContext option will be returned as the call's output. It seems convoluted, but think of the first function (the part in parenthesis) as a process definition, and the middle HttpContext as the execution parameter that kicks the process off. You can have as many processes defined as you want, and you can chain them together; once a request generates an actual context, it is run through this process chain.

The option part is new. In the intro, I mentioned Haskell's Maybe monad; this is F#'s version of that pattern. options can be Some or None, indicating whether the value is present or not. We'll dig into them more the further along we get, but for now, we'll just see how Giraffe uses this. If the HttpHandler returns Some, procesing continues. (The value of the Some it returns is the same HttpContext, which may have been modified by the handler.) If the HttpHandler returns None, it means the handler could not do anything with the request, and Giraffe will not handle it. Giraffe provides a composition operator >=> that allows us to compose HttpHandlers together, and handles feeding the output from one into the input of the next one.

With all that - Giraffe includes some built-in handlers for common tasks, and returning text is one of them. Here's our handler function...

text "Hello World from Giraffe"

...but we're not going to write it just yet. To this point, we've used a Startup class to configure our environment. Creating a "magic" class to do our configuration isn't really the functional way, though; for this version, we'll configure the web host builder with custom functions instead.

This gives us the most terse single-file solution of the 5; here is App.fs in its entirety:

namespace Quatro

open Giraffe
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting

module Configure =
  let app (app : IApplicationBuilder) =
    app.UseGiraffe (text "Hello World from Giraffe")
module App =
  let main _ =
    use host =
        .Configure(System.Action<IApplicationBuilder> Configure.app)
        .Build ()

We use RequireQualifiedAccess for our Configure module to prevent its names from conflicting with others. For this step, it's probably overkill, but it will be helpful when we have more than one thing we are configuring. Notice the app.UseGiraffe call; it uses our handler inline. In the future, we'll wire in a router than handles many URLs, yet it still ends up as an HttpHandler.

Also of note is that this implementation, though being in F#, has no ignore calls. .UseGiraffe is designed to be at the end of the configuration chain, so instead of returning the IApplicationBuilder, it returns nothing.

Finally, the System.Action wrapping of our Configure.app function is, strangely, necessary. Usually, a function that returns unit () is recognized as a void function, but in this one particular case, it isn't. I suspect there may be conflicting overloads which the compiler can't resolve, but I don't know that for sure.

dotnet run should succeed at this point, and localhost:5000 should display our Hello World message.

Back to Step 1

namespace Microsoft
type 'T option = Option<'T>
namespace Giraffe
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting
Multiple items
type RequireQualifiedAccessAttribute =
  inherit Attribute
  new : unit -> RequireQualifiedAccessAttribute

new : unit -> RequireQualifiedAccessAttribute
val app : app:IApplicationBuilder -> unit
val app : IApplicationBuilder
type IApplicationBuilder =
  member ApplicationServices : IServiceProvider with get, set
  member Build : unit -> RequestDelegate
  member New : unit -> IApplicationBuilder
  member Properties : IDictionary<string, obj>
  member ServerFeatures : IFeatureCollection
  member Use : middleware:Func<RequestDelegate, RequestDelegate> -> IApplicationBuilder
member IApplicationBuilder.UseGiraffe : handler:HttpHandler -> unit
val text : str:string -> HttpHandler
module App

from Quatro
Multiple items
type EntryPointAttribute =
  inherit Attribute
  new : unit -> EntryPointAttribute

new : unit -> EntryPointAttribute
val main : string [] -> int
val host : IWebHost
Multiple items
type WebHostBuilder =
  new : unit -> WebHostBuilder
  member Build : unit -> IWebHost
  member ConfigureAppConfiguration : configureDelegate:Action<WebHostBuilderContext, IConfigurationBuilder> -> IWebHostBuilder
  member ConfigureServices : configureServices:Action<IServiceCollection> -> IWebHostBuilder + 1 overload
  member GetSetting : key:string -> string
  member UseSetting : key:string * value:string -> IWebHostBuilder

WebHostBuilder() : WebHostBuilder
module Configure

from Quatro
namespace System
Multiple items
type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7,'T8,'T9,'T10,'T11,'T12,'T13,'T14,'T15,'T16> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 * 'T7 * 'T8 * 'T9 * 'T10 * 'T11 * 'T12 * 'T13 * 'T14 * 'T15 * 'T16 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7,'T8,'T9,'T10,'T11,'T12,'T13,'T14,'T15> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 * 'T7 * 'T8 * 'T9 * 'T10 * 'T11 * 'T12 * 'T13 * 'T14 * 'T15 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7,'T8,'T9,'T10,'T11,'T12,'T13,'T14> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 * 'T7 * 'T8 * 'T9 * 'T10 * 'T11 * 'T12 * 'T13 * 'T14 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7,'T8,'T9,'T10,'T11,'T12,'T13> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 * 'T7 * 'T8 * 'T9 * 'T10 * 'T11 * 'T12 * 'T13 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7,'T8,'T9,'T10,'T11,'T12> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 * 'T7 * 'T8 * 'T9 * 'T10 * 'T11 * 'T12 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7,'T8,'T9,'T10,'T11> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 * 'T7 * 'T8 * 'T9 * 'T10 * 'T11 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7,'T8,'T9,'T10> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 * 'T7 * 'T8 * 'T9 * 'T10 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7,'T8,'T9> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 * 'T7 * 'T8 * 'T9 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7,'T8> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 * 'T7 * 'T8 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6,'T7> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 * 'T7 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5,'T6> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 * 'T6 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4,'T5> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 * 'T5 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 * 'T4 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2,'T3> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 -> unit

type Action<'T1,'T2> =
  delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 -> unit

type Action =
  delegate of unit -> unit

type Action<'T> =
  delegate of 'T -> unit
(extension) IWebHost.Run() : unit
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